A piece of your property found in looking over old papers a few evenings ago, dear Minnie, and which I do not like to destroy, as it is yours. I have been hoping to send you a letter for several days and thought this morning I could certainly manage it, as Gertrude who arrived last night, has gone to drive with Papa, but my foe, a nervous headache, has attacked me, and can not be fought in that way. So with love, goodbye for today Mary E.G. [Fragments of a letter from Ida Bruce to Mary Garrett] My dear Miss Garrett Your enclosure of Oct 20 was received and has been read with great interest both by myself and others. I took the liberty of delivering it a few days ago in order to allow some friends the opportunity of seeing it. [illegible] I remain yours truly Ida Bruce 28 Auburn Ave Cin. O. Nov. 8