Dearest Mary, Important letters from 8 to 9 Chapel, caught first train after, read your dear letter on train, met 2 Commissioners at 10 arranged High Sch Science, met Dr. BrookeGÇÖs Superintendent found him favourable. Our scholarships are offered and I think the College Prep. Curriculum will go through on Friday, tomorrow Home to lunch. Dr. Andrews for -+ hr and Dr. Rhoads for -+ at his house in his bedroom. He looks desperately ill, can scarcely speak without stopping to breathe but gets off to Atlantic City tomorrow. He is beside himself with impatience at the Trustees, says it is inexplicable etc. He is transported with you $10,000. I told him of it. Altogether he was charming and exactly as I knew he would be. If he can possibly do so he will come up for the next Trustee meeting on Friday. But he looks so wretched I hesitated to ask him. His whole heart is set on my Presidency - I think anything else would kill him, and if he can possibly I am sure he will be there. After such a day for I returned to find the model man and before he had gone the doctor, not for me but for a student, and then such an afternoon students and visitors from Boston Phila etc for 3 -+ hrs till dinner was waiting, and now I am snatching ten minutes before I dress for my Faculty attire. So you see - what a person to care about! I went to bed and to sleep at ten and slept till 7. Tonight I shall do the same. I am so sorry so sorry you are not better. How I wish I could help. I hate to have you below far. Are you going to try the cocaine again? Tomorrow is our reception and Sat. I think I shall lie in bed all day and you shall then have a letter. Till then, love me my darling.