Dearest Minnie, It seems a very ungenerous return for your full letters from home not to have sent before this at least a full acknowledgement, but since receiving them I have had one of my GÇ£downsGÇ¥. I took what is for me a very long walk - perhaps 2 miles - the other day, thinking I was up to it, and have felt the effects of it every since and each morning I have thought I would write in the afternoon when I should certainly feel more up to it and each afternoon have put it off till evening and then till the next morning and so it has gone. I am so sorry about it and will try not to let it happen again. I was so glad to get such a full account of the meeting. The permanent com. plan seems to be only [illegible] and not killed. Alas for the extension of time until the 1st of May, but in view of all that you gained, we must not reprieve. How I wish I could have been an invisible auditor, for it must have been most interesting and exciting. In one ting you were unjust to Kate - the resolution is in her own handwriting (which is, however, very like her fatherGÇÖs) - I am nervous to hear of the effect on Bessie of their pilgrimage together to Washington. Alas for the record of the first dayGÇÖs proceedings there - it is not cheerful reading, is it? As Olive Schreiver says in her Three Dreams in a Desert GÇ£she is very weak - her legs have been crushed under her so longGÇ¥. If you have not read it by the way, let me send it to you. I read it this afternoon while I was lying down, too used up for anything else, and several of them are very striking. Yes, I have read GÇ£The Story of an African FarmGÇ¥ and have been hoping ever since for something else from her. I glanced over the Gen. Meredith book this morning in bed, and sent it back to you, but - I must say goodnight, and goodbye if this is not to miss the mail. I was so sorry to hear about Mr. McCabe. It was terribly sudden. What was it, and have you succeeded in finding anyone? You did indeed do your GÇ£whole dutyGÇ¥ by the School, and I am afraid must have gone back very tired, and with such an unexpected additional complication as that to meet too! It was too bad. Lovingly yours, Mary E.G.