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33 items [showing 1 - 20]


Vets, The
War Comes to Philadelphia, The: How the War in Vietnam and Defense Spending Affect Our Lives.
20 Jahre Sozialarbeit in Westsizilien:--ein Augenschein
20 Jahre Sozialarbeit in Westsizilien:--ein Augenschein
Would a war with Japan pay us?
Not According to Schedule
Shall We Let Them Feed the Flames?
Another Case of Keeping Up With Lizzie?
Maybe I'd Better Try That Other Bait
Federal Power Commission
These business leaders want the nuclear test ban.
War will not end until we all help end it., The
Your tax dollars are working harder to tear Vietnam apart than to put America back together.
Reagan Ranch: A Tent City Vigil Against Reaganomics
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Governor and all you would-be mayors of NYC. Stop the "Not Money" Nonsense! .... Start a Taxpayers' Revolt to Cut Military Spending
Mr. President: Start right - Stop the war now.  You can do it!
November 11th
New York spends more on war than on New York
Speed Up, America.Speak Up, America.
