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12 items [showing 1 - 12]
Montfaucon as Mission Found it 1919
Typical fields overgrown with thistles. Field on left of alfalfa which has protected field from weeds. / Typical fields overgrown with thistles. Field on left of alfalfa which protects land.
Red Cross Truck (Chateau Hachette)
Cellar roofed over for shelter.
Haverford Unit #1. Summer 1917
Devastated Districts in Marne. Horse and cart in foreground.
Montfaucon as Mission found it 1919
Map. Verdun. / Verdun district.
Typical Refugee Family.
Map of Verdun district.
Berlin school - Note Quaker food tilke[?] tied around neck for safe keeping.
Typical Refugee Family.