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81 items [showing 1 - 20]


1910 July 28, 123 Pall Mall, London W, to Dear Cousin
1881 June 20, Richfield Springs, to Mother
1881 August 16, Newport, to My "dearest dear"
1902 June 17, Woodbourne, to My dear Chellie
1886 August 7, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1880 March 21, Hotel de la Paix, Rome, to Lily
1895 June 20, Minnewaska, to Dear Cousin Anna
1905 June 17, S.S. Minnehaha, to Mother
1843 August 24, Roxborough, to Sisters, Boston
1840 August 25, Newport, to Alfred
1845 November 14, Salem, to cousins, Providence
1840 July 6, Philadelphia, to Dear Father
1875 November 28, Church Lane, to brother
1844 September 26, Philadelphia, to Thomas P. Cope
1893 July 9, Jamestown, to Mother (Private)
1896 September 15, "Fowlers' Rocks", to My dear Hazen
1906 June 26, Woodbourne, to Mother
1861 November 13, Awbury, to Lillie
1844 July 21, Cape May, to Brother, Philadelphia, Pa.
1847, August 10, to My dear Mary
