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29 items [showing 1 - 20]


Pedagogical Partnership for Equity and Justice
Transnational Student Activism
Transnational Student Activism--Part 1, captioned
Identifying and Refusing Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture in Academia--Part 2, captioned
Pedagogical Partnership for Equity and Justice--Part 2, captioned
Transnational Student Activism--Part 2, captioned
Identifying and Refusing Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture in Academia--Part 1
Identifying and Refusing Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture in Academia--Part 2
Students of Color at Haverford College Continue Strike for Racial Equity
"To the University I'll Steal, and There I'll Steal" (Instagram post)
Allyship: Problems and Possibilities
Allyship: Problems and Possibilities (audio only)
Navigating institutional structures to enact change teach-in
Planning for abolition at Haverford, STEM lens--Part 1, captioned
Planning for abolition at Haverford, STEM lens--Part 2, captioned
Racial Justice and STEM--Part 2, Captioned
Racial Justice and STEM--Part 1, Captioned
Anthropology: Frameworks of Inquiry Teach-In--Part 1, captioned
Planning for abolition at Haverford, STEM lens
Racial Justice and STEM
