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295 items [showing 1 - 20]


Suffragist portraits
Mary Worthington diary, 1909-1910
Anna Howard Shaw
Governor of Maine Signing Suffrage Bill
Mary Worthington diary, 1908-1909
Suffragists in Alabama
Letter from Mary A. Hunter to Carrie Chapman Catt, August 12, 1945
Mary A. Livermore, Lucy Stone, and Henry Blackwell
Emily Howland letter to Hannah Letchworth Howland
Lucretia Mott letters to Martha Coffin Wright
Martha Schofield letter to Anna M. Jackson
Lavinia L. Dock letter to Anna M. Jackson
Susan B. Anthony and Mary S. Anthony portrait
Susan B. Anthony portrait
Elizabeth Smith Miller and Anne Fitzhugh Miller portrait
Mary Grew portrait
Suffrage Clipping book
New York Suffrage Newsletter, Vol. 8 No. 12
National American Woman Suffrage Association form letter to delegates
Miscellaneous printed suffrage material
