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32 items [showing 1 - 20]


Children's Ward. Brizeaux Hospital. / childrens ward Brizeaux hospital.
Nurse with Children Bettancourt
Unloading chickens and Rabbits. Chatel Chehery
Announcement- 100,000 houses wanted, ectr.
Huts at Besancon (nearly completed.
Showing lack of equipment in hospitals
sewing class. Refugees taught by refugees + Austrian prisoners [Thres-Omsk?]
...dispensary, Vitry-le-Francois. Dr. Heard
Dick Clements, T.E. Harvey. E. West, Jefferey Hardem, French Offic.
Three Refugees from Samara
Two days toll of Famine. Buzuluk - 'House of death'
Travelling on the Russian Steppes.
Refugees living in freight cars. Omsk.
Baby with stomach bloated.
Troyes. Erecting Preventorium
Childs welfare exhibit of Red cross.
Her only shirt. Vogtland.
Feeding the thresher.
Erecting a sectional house in the war-zone.
Group of Boys suffering from Starvation.
