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14 items [showing 1 - 14]
Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends, 1853-1873
Proceedings of the Yearly Meeting of Congregational Friends, 1849-1861
Declaration, from the people called Quakers, to the King, and both Houses of Parliament then sitting at Westminster, what they can say instead of an oath
Declaration, from the people called Quakers, to the King, and both Houses of Parliament then sitting at Westminster, what they can say instead of an oath
To George the Third, King of Great-Britain, and the dominions thereunto belonging, the humble address of his Protestant subjects, the people called Quakers
To George the Second, King of Great Britain, &c. The humble address of the people called Quakers
Address of the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held at Baltimore, to Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, and his reply... Nov. 13, 1807