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92 items [showing 1 - 20]


London Yearly Meeting Circular Epistle on Slavery, 1840-05-20
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes, 1730 [extracts]
1839 March 12, Savannah, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
Isaac Jackson Journal, 1776
Mary Kite diary
Letter addressed to Elisha Bates, Esq., minister of the Society of Friends
Mary Kite letter to Rebecca Walton
1840 August 25, Newport, to Alfred
1839 March 12, Charleston, to Dear Brother, Haverford College
Abner Woolman's Journal
Julia Wilbur journal briefs, 1844-1862
Mary Kite letter to Anna Walton
Mary Kite letter to Abi Kite Walton
Mary Kite letter to her niece
Mary Kite letter
At a meeting of the committee ... on the 29th of January, 1801, it was resolved, - that the following account of this society be laid before the public, with a view of obtaining more general aid towards its support, and promoting the extension of its plan
Letter to John Fothergill, 1773-04-28
Abby Hopper Gibbons letter
Abby Hopper Gibbons letter to her family
Martha Schofield commonplace book, 1858-1884
