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31 items [showing 1 - 20]


Minutes of the Annual Assoc. for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer Book No. 3
Minutes of the Annual Assoc. for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer Book No. 5
Minutes of the Annual Assoc. for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer Book No. 1
Annual Association for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer, Acting Committee minutes and workbook
J. Bryan letter to Dr. Caspar Wistar
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright, Maria Mott Davis, and their children
Abby Hopper Gibbons letter to Sarah Hopper Palmer
Letter draft of a nurse at the Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia
Minutes of the Annual Association for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer Book No. 7
Minutes of the Annual Assoc. for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer Book No. 4
Children's Ward. Brizeaux Hospital. / childrens ward Brizeaux hospital.
Tubercular children at Bettancourt.
Convalescents at Brizeaux. hospital.
Ernest Votaw - 11 + 6 yr. old children.
Note bent ankles from Rickets. Waldenburg.
Smaller children much under standard - Marienbrug.
Girl 14 yrs. old - weighs 46 1/4 lbs. Dresden.
Tubercular Day Nursery. Eisenach.
Sick baby in Berlin orphanage.
Tubercular girl - 17 yrs. old.
