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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
M. Yarnall letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
Josiah Forster letter to Isaac Collins
1835-1838, Haverford, Friendship book of Francis R. Cope
M. H. letter letter
Letter of Appreciation 1899-04-23
M. Yarnall letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
Abigail Sharpless Greaves letter to Edith Sharpless
M. Yarnall letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
Edith Griffith letter to Rebecca White
Edith Griffith letter to Rebecca White
Eli Jones letter to Rebecca White
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
Rebecca Trimble note
Juan Williams (Class of 1976) interviewed by Pendo Kamau (Class of 2024)
Jim Pabarue (Class of 1972) interviewed by Bethany Ho (Class of 2023)