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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
1826 September 12, Montrose, to Sisters, Philadelphia
1812 August 16, Philada, to William, New Garden Boarding School
1804 July 18, to Henry & Francis Cope
1805 August 9, Philadelphia, to Francis, Weston
1808 March 18, to Henry and Francis
1805 October 6, to Henry, Weston
1806 November 17, Philada, to Children, Weston
1823 March 20, Philadelphia, to My dear Eleanor, Burlington
1805 July 31, to dear son Henry
1807 March 4, to Henry
1805 July, to Henry Cope, Weston
1811 September 15, Philada, to William
1804 September, to Henry & Francis Cope, Weston
[to Eleanor], Trenton
1807 March, Philadelphia, to Henry, Weston