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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
1873 January 27, Connymede, to Sarah Walker
1821 June 1, Philadelphia, to My dear Elenor
1812 August 16, Philada, to William, New Garden Boarding School
1905 March 26, Awbury, to Mother
1893 June 23, Newport, to Mother, Awbury
1819 October 9, Philadelphia, to Ellen
1905 September 13, Jamestown, to Dearest Lilly
1879[?] February 21, Hotel Brtannique, Naples, to My dear Brother & Sister
1814 November 6, Newcastle, to Uncle, Philadelphia
1821 November 28, Philadelphia, [to Eleanor], Burlington
1805 July 31, to dear son Henry
1883 August 12, Awbury, to daughter
1883 August 19, Awbury, to daughter
1883 July 24, Philadelphia, to daughter
1880 July 26, Geneva, to Lilly