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23 items [showing 1 - 20]


1837 October 28, Harrisburg, to Henry
1882 September 6, Newport, to My dearest Jonathan, Awbury
Atlantic Monthly clipping from Alexis T. Cope to Sisters
1833 October 28, Woodbourne, to S.
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Coffin Wright
1853 December 20th, Philadelphia, to Dear Clemmy
1882 June 27, Newport, to My dear husband, Awbury
1878 February 17, Florence, to sister
1893 September 21, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1854 March 2, Philadelphia, to My dear Clemmy, Susquehannah County PA
1833 October 17, Bloomsdale, to William D. Cope
1887 September 09, Philadelphia, to My darling wife
1893 September 1, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1847 May 14, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1900 July 9, Woodbourne, to Dear Rachel
Robert S. Rantoul letter to Abby Hopper Gibbons
Emily Howland letter fragment
1899 April 15, Marine Villa, Cape May, NJ, to My dear Cousin
1837 October 24, Harrisburg, to son
1887 August 26, Philadelphia, to My dearest Rachel
