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14 items [showing 1 - 14]
1901 January 8, Bournewood, to Family
1875 November 28, Church Lane, to brother
1901 March 7, to Family
1901 January, to Family
1889 February 13, Haddonfield, to my dear cousin Rachel
1900 July 29, Mosgiel, to My dearest Mother
1830 May 15, Woodbourne, to Brother, Philadelphia
1892 July 14, Awbury, to Dear Anna
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord
1901 January 2, to Family
Anna Webster Bunting letter to Martha Schofield
E.S. Kirkland letter to Abby Hopper Gibbons
1901 January 19, to Father & Mother
Martha Schofield letter to Mary Ash Jenkins