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13 items [showing 1 - 13]
Children's Ward. Brizeaux Hospital. / childrens ward Brizeaux hospital.
Edith Pye at Chalons.
Childs welfare exhibit of Red cross.
Samoens Babies.
Mlle. Merle, Directrice of Maternity + Baby House at Chalons. / Mlle. Merle and baby at Chalons.
8. mos old- one normal - the other rachitic and scrofulous.
One of the Favorites at Chalons
Chalons - Babies with nurses. / Nurses + babies- Chalons
Chateau Hospital (two nurses with Babies in Basket.
Municipal orphanage. Berlin.
Teaching French mothers how to bath a baby.
Head nurse with undernourished baby - Berlin Children's Hospital.
Children in Leipzig - Kindergarten.