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46 items [showing 1 - 20]


Malabry - Stages in house-building
Workbench in shop at Dole
Building school houses at Montblainville
Workshop at Dole
Salvaging tiles from a ruined roof.
Erecting a sectional house in the war-zone.
Erecting Sanitorium. Troyes
House construction.
Peckover laying foundations Dole site/ Peckover laying foundations for house at Dole
Workers in garage
Refugee canteen in the Marne.
Putting up frame-work for camp building in war zone. / Frame work for camps building in war-zone
Haverford Unit Summer of 1917.
Feeding the thresher.
Sermaize. Washer woman./ Equipe Washerwoman at Sermaize
Lumber Yard at Ornans.
Harvesting- Threshing
Workers on roof - Repairing.
Construction gang - Cafe Robinson Dole
