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25 items [showing 1 - 20]


'Feeling a Little better Now.' Breslau.
Girl 14 yrs. old - weighs 46 1/4 lbs. Dresden.
Normal + undernourished boys. Madgeburg.
Normal + undernourished girls. Magdeburg.
Effects of Tuberculosis + Rickets - 8 yrs. old.
Note bent ankles from Rickets. Waldenburg.
Ernest Votaw - 11 + 6 yr. old children.
Normal + undernourished girls of 10 Municipal orphanage - Berlin.
Quaker Tubercular Home for Children.
Smaller children much under standard - Marienbrug.
Tubercular Day Nursery. Eisenach.
Presenting meal tickets - Breslau.
First child feeding - Berlin. Feb. 26, 1920.
Tubercular girl - 17 yrs. old.
Note bent ankles from Rickets Waldenburg.
Head nurse with undernourished baby - Berlin Children's Hospital.
Medical exam to determine whether child needs additional feeding.
First child feeding - Berlin Feb. 26 -1920.
Case of skin disease caused by undernourishment.
7 yr. old girl, orphaned with no one for care for her
