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27 items [showing 1 - 20]


1880 August 23, Montrose, to My dearest husband
1874 July 17, White Sulphur Springs, to Father & Mother, Philadelphia
1904 February 27, Camden, S.C., to Dearest Mother
1904 September 4, Conanicut, to Mother
1899 October 27, to Mother
1867 August 17, Newport, to Father, London
1893 July 9, Jamestown, to Mother (Private)
1874 July 20, Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, to Mother
1900 July 15, Woodbourne to Mr. Evans
1902 July 27, Jamestown, to Mother
1872 August 18, Mount Desert Island, to father & mother
1904 August 14, Jamestown, to Mother
1874 July 13, White Sulphur Springs, to Mother
1860 August 22, Surf House, to Mother
1903 January 31, Chestnut Hill Mass., to My dearest Mother
1902 August 7, Jamestown, to Mother
1905 July 21, Franconia, N.H., to Mother
1905 June 22, Woodbourne, to My dearest Father
1901 September 4, The Hague, to Mrs Jonathan Evans, Shropshire
1905 August 22, Franconia, to My dearest Mother
