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20 items [showing 1 - 20]
Northern Assoc. of Phila. for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women legal documents
Delaware County Orphans' Court Final Decree to Relieve Land from Lien of Legacy
1866 May 28, to Thomas Evans, Legal Document
1866 September 24,  Instructions to Thomas Evans' executors, dated and signed 9.24.1866
1857 March 7, Covenant of exoneration, Hannah Rhoads and others to William Evans and others, Executors of Jonathan Evans, w/ Receipt Endorsement of Mary R. Haines and others...
1861, Rules and Regulations for the Government of Friends' South-Western Burial Ground, with a Plan of the Ground
1840 September 22, Covenant of Thomas Evans, executor with Hannah Rhoads, daughter of Jonathan Evans
1905, Cannes Hotel Bristol, to Dear Tom
William Smedley indenture
1866 June 5, Certificate of Indemnity to Thomas Evans from B. Wyatt Wistar and Annabella C. Wistar 6 mo 1866
Delaware County Orphans' Court Petition and Decree
Judge William Whitehead ruling
Joshua Sharples letter to a friend
W. A. Nerland letters to Martha Schofield
Aimwell School Association petition for dissolution
Female Association of Philadelphia for the Relief of Women and Children in Reduced Circumstances decree
Aimwell School Association order for publication
Aimwell School Association final decree of dissolution
1860 July 30, Auburn near Philadelphia, to Thomas Evans, Legal Document
1866 May 29, Legal Document