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38 items [showing 1 - 20]


1907 January 24, Awbury, to My dear cousins Carrie & Annette
Letter from Anne Greene to her father, November 19,     1902
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, May 10, 1891
Julia Wilbur diary, September 1857 to May 1859
Letter from Dorothy Foster to her mother, December 11, 1903
Julia Wilbur "Lady's Almanac", 1857
Invitation from the English Club of Bryn Mawr College to Mr. and Mrs. James M. Foster, December 3, 1903
Letter from Susan FitzGerald to her mother, October 27, 1928
Sarah Jacobs letter to Edith Sharpless Kite
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, October 30, 1893
Julia Wilbur journal briefs, 1844-1862
1900 July 8, Bay Voyage Hotel Jamestown, Conancut, Rhode Island, to My dear Clementine, Minnewaska, New York
Letter from Dorothy Foster to her mother, December 6, 1903
Letter from M. Carey Thomas to Mary Elizabeth Garrett, February 25, 1886
Julia Wilbur "Lady's Almanac", 1856
1899 January 26, 121 South 19th St, Philadelphia, to My dear Lillie
Emily Howland letter to Caroline F. Putnam
Belva Lockwood lecture pamphlet
1907 February 28th, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
Julia Wilbur diary, January 1856 to September 1857
