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50 items [showing 1 - 20]


Martha Schofield letter to the Barnwell People
Solidarity  War, Peace & Jobs
Vets, The
Holding Onto Bonds For a Long Time Will Help Us Fulfill the  Five-Year Plan in Four Years [bottom]
U.S.S.R.--Socialist Fatherland of Laborers of All Nations
Competition Is the Communist Way of Building Socialism  Based On the Maximum Activity of Millions of Workers. Stalin
Let Us Organize Independent Dining Halls in Housing Cooperatives.
Lift Higher the Banner of the Productive Union of Workers and Peasants!
Isn't That Your Tractor?
Young Metallist
Five-Year Plan of Socialist Construction; Labor Problems During the Five-Year Plan, The
Factory School
Woman Delegate, Woman Worker, Woman Shock Worker
On the Black List -- Shirkers, Whiners and Skeptics
Path to Victory Is Through the Fulfillment of the Six Conditions of Comrade Stalin, The
Woman Peasant, Collectivize the Village and Join the Ranks of the Red Women Tractor Drivers!
Let Us Lend the Government Two Weeks Pay and  Fulfill the Five-Year Plan in Four Years
Year by Year at Full Speed
From Shock Brigades to Shock Factories and Mills
Let Us Collect the Savings of a Million Workers in the Savings Banks for the Socialist Construction of Industry and Agriculture
