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94 items [showing 1 - 20]


Paper presented by Belva A. Lockwood
Woman's National Weekly articles
'Arbitration and the Treaties"
'The Hague Arbitration Court"
'Peace and the Outlook: An American View"
Belva Lockwood biographical sketch
Belva Lockwood biographical sketch
Belva Lockwood biographical sketch
'Equal Franchise Bulletin," Vol. 1, No. 4
Agnes L. Tierney postcard to Emily Howland
Solidarity and the Struggle [booklet of images]
Solidarity and the Struggle [booklet of images]
World Peace Song.
Inter-National Flag, The.
'Asks U.S. Aid to Stop Massacre by Turks"
Resolution by Senator Henry J. Mello, State of California Senate....Lucy Haessler.
Star of Hope
Because We Believe
You Can't Put the Chickens Back Into Their Shells.
