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31 items [showing 1 - 20]


Letter to Beulah Hurley Waring
Beulah Hurley Waring letter
Beulah Hurley Waring letter to Achsah L. Hurley
Beulah Hurley Waring report
Beulah Hurley Waring letter to Achsah L. Hurley and William W. Hurley
Beulah Hurley Waring Sorochinskoye Day Book
"The Harvest of Grass" essay
"Samara- August 1922" essay
"The Truth About the Russian Famine" flyer
"How Others are Helping" pamphlet
"She Helped the Hungry" newspaper clipping
Pen Pictures of Russian Village Life During the Famine
"A Tartar Church" essay
Beulah Hurley Waring anecdotes
"A Country Village of the Famine Area" essay
"Thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death" essay
"News from Novo-Sergeevskaya" essay
"A Russian Garden" essay
"From a Car Window" essay
"Driftwood" essay
