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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
Ellen M. Patrick letter to Martha Schofield
Hire's Cough Candy
Radway's Ready Relief for the Cure of Pain : "Does oo want Radway's Ready Relief or does oo want Radway's Pills?"
Carter Medicine Co.'s Little Liver Pills
One Dozen Representative Babies Who Take Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup
Dr. White's Cough Drops are the Best
James Arbuthnot : Apothecary, Chemist, & Druggist
Penrose Collins, Wholesale Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye-Stuffs
Frederick Brown, Philadelphia
Fred L. John, Apothecary & Chemist
Mitchell's Elegant Pharmacy
Charles Marshall's Wholesale Drug and Chemical Store
Jenks & Ogden, Wholesale Druggists
Amos H. Yarnall, Wholesale Druggist
Robert Shoemaker : Drugs, Medicines, Window Glass, Paints, Oil, Dye Stuffs, &c.