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20 items [showing 1 - 20]
1834 February 28, Philadelphia, to Alfred Cope
1834 January 20, Philadelphia, to Dear Susan
1833 June 22, Philadelphia, to S.
1832 November 27, Philadelphia, to S.
1833 July [June] 25, Bloomsdale, to William D. Cope
1833 August 4, Woodbourne, to Dear S.
1833 June 29, Philadelphia, to S.
1833 April, Woodbourne, to William D. Cope
1833 October 17, Bloomsdale, to William D. Cope
1833 March 21, White Cottage, Woodbourne, to Susan Newbold
Emily Howland letter to Hannah Letchworth Howland
1833 December 27, Philadelphia, to S.
Mitchell's Elegant Pharmacy
Chicorée de Ronne
Annual Excursion! Keystone Beneficial Society, Disston Saw Works, To Atlantic City
W. M. Bardsley's Old Reliable Stationery & Fancy Goods Store
Kendall Mfg. Co. Soapine and French Laundry Soap
Curtis Davis & Co. Boston, Mass.
Nederlandsche Stoomkoffiebrandery Antwerpen
L’Indiscret (Dubois & Cie.)