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31 items [showing 1 - 20]


Conscientious objection circular letter
Edward G. Smedley notes on being drafted
To the members of the convention elected to revise the constitution of Pennsylvania
Thomas Smedley letter to Edward G. Smedley
Thomas Evans letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
Curiosities of the Conscript Barracks. newspaper article
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : - The Remonstrance of ... Friends in Pennsylvania, &c., respectfully showeth; That a bill
Joseph Scattergood memoranda
Letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
William Kite letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
Jacob Smedley letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
D. Smedley letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
Rebecca Smedley letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
William Smedley letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled : -- The Memorial of the Representatives of the ... Friends,commonly called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey ...respectfully represents
The ancient testimony and principles of the people called Quakers, renewed, with respect to the King and Government; and touching the commotions now prevailing in these and other parts of America : addressed to the people in general
William L. Edwards letter to Edward G. Smedley and William P. Smedley
Philadelphia, 27th tenth month, 1775. A committee of ten Friends, from the Meeting for Sufferings, waited on the House of Representatives of the province of Pennsylvania, and being admitted, presented an address on behalf of our religious Society ... as f
Joseph Scattergood letter to Edward G. Smedley
Edward G. Smedley diary
