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73 items [showing 1 - 20]


Deserted children in Emergency Home
Out. door Physical Culture Forest School. Sparrow Hills
Showing lack of equipment in hospitals
Peasants' cart for heavy hauling.
Ruins of houses with temporary lean-to. also houses built by Friends.
A room in the refugee barrack, School at Omsk. [Navy Ball?]
Workmen's meeting at berkna redineh[?].
garbage cart of dead babies and coffin of nurse.
Refugee Barracks. Omsk.
Group of Boys suffering from Starvation.
Morally Defective
School. Learning clay modelling.
A Ragged Russian Boy
People sleeping on station floors.
Dug Out.
Friends workers Teaching sewing. Samara Russia.
Refugees in Magotova Orphanage.
a clothing distribution in one of the famine villages.
Saturday afternoon voluntary labor.
Russian stove + Bed
