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9 items [showing 1 - 9]
1872 July 9, Philadelphia, to order J. Wistar Evans Jr. for H.B. Evans, Check
1886 July 30, Philadelphia, to Dear Daughter
1883 August 3, Philadelphia, to Dear Chellie
1875 January 21, Washington, D.C., to Francis R. Cope Esq, Philadelphia Pa
James Mott and Lucretia Mott canceled checks
1873 April 4, Washington, D.C., to Francis R. Cope Esq, Philadelphia, P'a
1873 May 7, 5207 Germantown Ave, to Francis R. Cope, Respected friend
Samuel S. Ash letter to Martha Schofield
1873 February 11, Washington, D.C., to Francis R. Cope Esq, Philadelphia Pa