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16 items [showing 1 - 16]
1883 August 3, Philadelphia, to Dear Chellie
Hale, Kilburn & Co. Champion Folding Bed and Crib
Hale, Kilburn & Co. Champion Folding Bed and Crib
Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, Undertaker (J. Humberstone)
Gardner Patent Chairs and Seat (Hutchins & Mabbett)
John T. Hammitt & Co. : Desk Table, Sofa Bedsteads
Gregson, Upholder, &c.
John Nicholson business card
Charles E. Luburg (Luburg's Adjustable Chair)
Charles E. Luburg (Luburg's Adjustable Chair)
Charles E. Luburg (Luburg's Adjustable Chair)
Charles E. Luburg (Luburg's Adjustable Chair)
Charles E. Luburg (Luburg's Adjustable Chair)
Charles E. Luburg (Luburg's Adjustable Chair)
Wm. Sanderson's Chair Wareroom