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16 items [showing 1 - 16]
Erdman Hall
1896 September 15, "Fowlers' Rocks", to My dear Hazen
Students with bicycle in front of Radnor Hall, 1893
Students and men with bikes
Student biking on path from Erdman to Merion Ave.
1896 September 22, Afternoon, to My dear Husband
Student biking
1896 September 20, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
Students by parked bike
Two students and their bikes, in Front of Erdman
1897 June 23, Mosgiel, to My dear Father
Smaller man is Stephen Vlaskamp
Dugouts in the Argonne.
German dugout used as equipe by Mission Workers
German rubber in Breslau.
K. Greenfield talking to old lady at Chatel.