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16 items [showing 1 - 16]
Martha Schofield letter to her sisters
Martha Schofield draft letter to the New York Tribune
Martha Schofield notes on racial violence
Joseph D. Steele letter to Martha Schofield
John Mason Rice letter to Martha Schofield
Martha Schofield record of witness testimony
Notes on violence against Richard Brown
Martha Schofield draft letter to the editor
Martha Schofield draft letter to the editor of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
Martha Schofield draft letter to the Woman's Journal
Dr. John Stearns, Jr., letter to Abby Hopper Gibbons
Martha Schofield letter to Anna M. Jackson
Emily Howland letter to Booker T. Washington
W. A. Nerland letters to Martha Schofield
Emily Howland letter to Isabel Howland
Pinkney Bone letter to Martha Schofield