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47 items [showing 1 - 20]


1885 August 16, Meadow Farm, to brother
1887 June 22, Philadelphia, to My own dear wife
1911 September 6, Northeast Harbor, to My dearest sister
1904 August 21, Jamestown, R.I., to My dear mother
1905 July 23, Jamestown, R.I, to Dearest Mother
1871, Estate of Thomas. Evans - Allotment to trustees of Katharine W. Stokes (undated, ca. 1871)
1904 August 13, Jamestown, R.I., to My dear mother
1906 April 8, Awbury, to Mother
1876 July 8, Philadelphia, to Dear Anna
1902 July 27, Jamestown, to Mother
1910 September 2, Philadelphia, to Mother
1905 August 20, Jamestown, R.I., to My dear mother
1869 June 28, First account of the executors of the will of Thomas Evans, deceased,  w/ envelope
1876 July 30, Church Lane, to Chellie
1904 August 28, Jamestown, R.I., to Dear mother
1904 September 4, Jamestown, R.I., to Dear mother
1869 October 8, Philadelphia, to Dear Anna
1905 July 9, Boyer st, to Mother
1872 August 15, Mount Desert, to Mother
1883 September 5, Philada, to Anna
