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54 items [showing 1 - 20]


Schooling has long been separated from learning tweet
HC Strike Organizers and Admin Conversation November 10, 2020
In Anger & Power
Signs attached to the front door of Founders Hall on November 12, 2020
Departmental Strike Statements
Haverford Students End Strike After Getting Demands Met
Haverford College Students End Two-Week Strike After Administrators' "Insensitive" Email
Strike flyer taped to Stokes Hall sign urging students not to break the strike
Strike flyer taped to Hilles Hall sign urging students not to break the strike
"We Need Action" poster on exterior door of Leeds Hall
Strike flyer taped to Chase Hall sign urging students not to break the strike
"Strike in Solidarity...with all BIPOC HC Has Failed" sign on column outside Lloyd Hall
Day 9 (Instagram post)
Day 4 of Haverford Student Strike (Instagram post)
Disrupt the Order: Day 5 (Instagram post)
Day Three: Do Not Cross the Picket Line (Instagram post)
Day 10: Revolution Is Love (Instagram post)
In Solidarity stencil
Day Three: Do Not Cross the Picket Line
