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28 items [showing 1 - 20]


Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting Minutes, 1754 [extracts]
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minutes, 1730 [extracts]
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Epistle of Caution and Advice, 1754
Rebecca Collins letter to Isaac Collins
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Southern District Minutes, 1837 [extracts]
Rebecca Collins letter to Isaac Collins
Rebecca Collins letter to Isaac Collins
Mary Kite letter to Abi Kite Walton
United  Committes on the Cases of Slaves Minute, 1777-02-17 [extracts]
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Minute, 1789-10-03  [extracts]
Extracts from the minutes of our Yearly Meeting, held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the fifteenth of the fourth month, to the twentieth of the same inclusive, 1811
Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting Minute, 1775-11-6 [extracts]
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Southern District Minutes [extracts]
Extracts from the minutes of our Yearly Meeting, held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the eighteenth of the fourth month, to the twenty-third of the same, inclusive, 1808
Quaker Protest Against Slavery in the New World, Germantown (Pa.) 1688
Quaker Protest Against Slavery in the New World, Germantown (Pa.) 1688 [with enhanced contrast]
Letter to Friends from David Fowler
Extracts from the minutes of our Yearly Meeting, held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the sixteenth of the fourth month, to the twentieth of the same inclusive, 1810
Frankford School House
Friends Bookstore
