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17 items [showing 1 - 17]
The Black Student League Letter to the Board of Managers (Instagram post)
Update: November 5, 2020 (Instagram post)
disrupt_hc Twitter thread on the 1972 BSL boycott
Haverford alumni letter to Board of Managers retweet, November 3, 2020
#BlackStudents read this thread! tweet
The institution made a big commitment tweet
Email Template for Demands
Alumni letter of Board of Managers, November 3, 2020
Nov 6 Update from President Raymond
Message from President Raymond, November 8, 2020
Anti-Racism Commitments and Strike Responses 2.0
November 8th email with recording of November 5th meeting with strike organizers
Nov. 9 Update from President Raymond
Anti-Racism Commitments 2.1
11.8 Response to President Raymond’s 11_6 Response to Revised Demands
Anti-Racism Commitments 2.1