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198 items [showing 1 - 20]


Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor centennial book
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor House of Industry report book no. 3
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor reports and meeting minutes
Bertha S. Cranmer report to the Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor
House of Industry school records
James Vanuxem letter to Sarah Parrish
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor standing committee minute book
Sketch of the House of Industry
E.B. Richards resignation letter
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor power of attorney document
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor Standing Committee minute book
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor certificate of incorporation copy
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor donation book
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor minute book no. 10
Elizabeth M. Slocum letter to Dorothy S. Miller
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor minute book no. 12
Mary Ann Cadbury letter to the Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor
James Vanuxem letter to Sarah Parrish
Cornelia R.H. Hoopes letter to Therese H. Dean
Female Society of Philadelphia for the Relief and Employment of the Poor letter
