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14 items [showing 1 - 14]
1846 June 28, Geneva N.Y., to Dear Mother, Philadelphia
Letter from Frederick Gookin to his wife, September 23,     1919
Letter to Adeline Roberts, 1851-09-08
Syracuse University tribute to Belva Lockwood
Samuel J. May letter to Lucretia Mott
Samuel J. May letter to Abby Hopper Gibbons
Suffrage parade photograph
Emily and Slocum Howland portrait with dog
New York Suffrage Newsletter, Vol. 8 No. 12
New York Suffrage Newsletter Vol. 9, No. 01
Albany Dental Association's Dr. G. E. Hill, Dentist
Ethel Bedient Gilbert to Harriet May Mills
New York State Woman Suffrage Association Organization Committee form letter