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12 items [showing 1 - 12]
1863 September 3, Awbury, to My dear Frank
1846 June 20, Saratoga, to Dear Brother
1863 September 3, Caldwell Lake George, to Anna
1834 July 14, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, [Philadelphia]
1889 August 29, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1845 June 25, Philadephia, to Father, Saratoga (N.Y.)
Sadie Brouwer Bartram letter to Martha Schofield
1863 August 30, Catskill, to My dear Mother
1863 August 30, Catskill, to Dear Anna
1863 September 4, Lake George, to Mother
1834 July 19, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother
1863 September 2, Saratoga, to Dear Anna