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18 items [showing 1 - 18]
Philadelphia, Inventory of Estate of Thomas Evans, Deceased
1902 June 17, Woodbourne, to My dear Chellie
1894 August 15, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1872 January 15, Philadelphia, Inventory of Securities, Thomas Evans Estate
Schedule of Stocks and Loans of Estate of Thomas Evans
1862 June 27, Philadelphia, to My dear Harry
1906 June 26, Woodbourne, to Mother
Philadelphia, Estate of Thomas Evans, Deceased
1867 October 5, Awbury, to My Dear Mother
1869 June 28, First account of the executors of the will of Thomas Evans, deceased,  w/ envelope
1886 June 26, Awbury/Woodbourne, to Mother
1887 July 13, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
Mem. of Stocks etc. Estate of Thomas Evans, Deceased
Inventory of Stocks, Thomas Evans Estate
Inventory of Securities and Rents for Thomas Evans Estate
Thomas Evans Estate Apportionment to Heirs Jonathan Evans, H.B. Evans, K.W. Evans, J.W. Evans
Thomas Evans Estate Apportionment to Heirs J. Wistar Evans and Jonathan Evans
Thomas Evans Estate Apportionment to Heirs Hannah Bacon Evans and Katherine Wistar Evans Stokes