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260 items [showing 1 - 20]


1895 July 14, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1896 October 28, Woodbourne, to My Dear Wife
1895 September 1, Woodbourne, to Annette
1905 August 30, North East Harbor, to My dear Lillie
1895 September 1, Awbury, to Dear Wife
1911 July 26, Awbury, to Dearest Mother
1868 October 1, Newport, to Rachel
1911 November 8, Awbury, to My dear Lillie
1874 July 18, White Sulphur Springs, to Mother
1893 October 31, Woodbourne, to My Dear Wife
1893 September 6, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
1893 July 20, Awbury, to My Dear Wife, Conanicut
Rufus M. Jones Diary, 1926
Holmes, Booth & Haydens. Finest Quality Electro-Silver Plated Spoons Forks &c. &c.
Maison H. Symays : Manufacture de gants de peau
Brown's Japanese & Chinese Bazar
Iyeyasu Temple at Nikko
Fujiyama From Shoji Lake
Fujiyama From Kashiwabara
Fujiyama From Nishinoumi Lake
