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18 items [showing 1 - 18]
1852 October 11, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
Rebecca Collins materials on travel in Ireland
A serious expostulation with the members of the House of Representatives of the United States
1843 September 5, Philadelphia, to Dear Father
1835 June 8, Haverford, to Uncle
1905 September 16, Jamestown, to Dearest Mother
1851 January 21, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
1893 September 26, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1876 January 26, Church Lane, to Dearest sister, Menton
1907 September 14, to My dear Chellie, Asticou
1900 July 9, Woodbourne, to Dear Rachel
Richard D. Webb letter to Anna Davis Hallowell
1836 January 15, Philadelphia, to Dear Franky, Haverford School
1852 May 31, Woodbourne, to Dear Brother, Philadelphia
Memoranda during a Passage to & from England and Three Months Travel in Great Britain & Ireland
Teeth of Bat : Wills's Cigarettes
International suffragists
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1847-01-04