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15 items [showing 1 - 15]
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1846-11-11
1873 October 10, Awbury, to Mama, Upper Lehigh
1843 August 31, Philadelphia, to Dear Parents
Mary Kite letter to James Kite
1889 August 5, Philadelphia, to Dear Wife
Report of the Manufacturing Committee of the Free Produce Association of Friends.
Edith Griffith letter to Rebecca White
Edith Griffith letter to Rebecca White
Aaron Sharpless travel journal
Susan Fussell letter to Graceanna Lewis, Mariann Lewis, and Elizabeth Lewis
Katharine Wistar Elkinton letter to Howard W. Elkinton
1880 October 15, Montrose, to Lilly
1835 October 24, Haverford, to Dear Father, Philadelphia
Rebecca L. Swain letter to Graceanna Lewis
Suffragist portraits