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56 items [showing 1 - 20]


London Yearly Meeting Circular Epistle on Slavery, 1840-05-20
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1854-10-20
An essay on the slavery and commerce of the human species, particularly the African.  Translated from a Latin dissertation, which was honored with the first prize in the University of Cambridge, for the year 1785.  With additions.
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1846-11-11
Letter to Nicholas Waln, 1784-04-23
A serious expostulation with the members of the House of Representatives of the United States
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1856-11-08
Memoirs of the lives of Benjamin Lay and Ralph Sandiford : two of the earliest public advocates for the emancipation of the enslaved Africans
Letter to Jonah Thompson, 1756-04-24
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1846-09-29
Letter to Moses Brown, 1774-05-09
The epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held in London, by adjournments, from the 18th of the Fifth Month to the 28th of the same, inclusive, 1853 to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends in Great Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere
Thomas Clarkson 1840 commemorative coin
The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the Slave-Trade [original manuscript]
Letter to Caspar Wistar, 1784-04-25
Letter to Samuel Allinson, 1772-10-30
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1855-01-19
Early Anti-Slavery Advocates
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1855-05-04
Letter to George Washington Taylor, 1855-02-16
