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12 items [showing 1 - 12]
1879 August 4, Bateman's, to dear husband
1864 September 30, Newport, to My dear Lillie
1872 August 6, Fall River, to Mama
1904 August 13, Jamestown, R.I., to My dear mother
1887 October 5, Philadelphia, to Dear Lillie, Woodbourne
1911 August 31, Northeast Harbor, to My dear Lillie
1887 July 15, Philadelphia, to My dear wife
1895 September 01, North East Harbor, to Dear Mother
1887 October 4, Philadelphia, to My Dearest Wife
1904 July 8, Jamestown R.I., to My dear mother
1882 August 16, Newport, to My dearest husband
L. D. Wilbur & Co.'s Clothing & Gents' Furnishings