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32 items [showing 1 - 20]


1834 January 31, Philada, to Brother
1771 July 13, Bristol, to Mary Sandwith
Letter from E. Drinker to her son Henry S. Drinker, 1802 October 21
1895 June 20, Minnewaska, to Dear Cousin Anna
1897 March 12, Bristol, to my dear Nettie
1834 January 20, Philadelphia, to Dear Susan
1896 July 3, Awbury, to My Dear Wife
1833 July 9, Woodbourne, to S.
1844 July 12, Franklin, to my dear Susan, Woodbourne
1843 August 31, Philadelphia, to Dear Parents
1819 August 26, Burlington, to My Dear Sister, Philadelphia
1907 June 10, to My dear Neices
1833 June 29, Philadelphia, to S.
1872 November 12, Connymead, to Sarah Walker
1851 May 5, Philadelphia, to Dear Brother, Woodbourne
Wrapper for Marriage Certificate of William Drinker Cope & Susan L. Newbold, 1834?
1857 March 2, Woodbourne, to My Dear Children
1856 January, Dear Carrie & Nettie
1863 July 4, [to Sarah Walker]
1825 May 15, Mauch Chunk, [to Thos. P. Cope], Philadelphia
