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6817 items [showing 1 - 20]


The American Anti-Slavery Society 50th Anniversary
Maryland Colonization Society Records
New York Female Association Minutes
'Penn Sewing School. 1868-1888. A Retrospect of Twenty Years."
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord
Northern Assoc. of Phila. for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women Constitution
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord
Northern Assoc. of Phila. for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women legal documents
Report of the Penn Sewing School of Philadelphia for 1894-1895
Minutes of the Annual Assoc. for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer Book No. 3
Friends Instruction Association treasurer's account book
New York Female Association Treasurer's book
New York Female Association Subscription book for Free School
Lucretia Mott letter to Martha Mott Lord
From the Overseers of the Press Concerning Jn. Woolmans Negro Book
Northern Assoc. of Phila. for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women treasurer's book
New York Female Association record of contributions
Rosine Association casebook
Letter to H. Collins
Northern Assoc. of Phila. for the Relief and Employment of Poor Women Constitution and by-laws
