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206 items [showing 1 - 20]


Kent State Affair, The
If they had gone ahead and signed the treaty as promised, my husband would be alive today with me and my children.
Act now to draft the best qualified candidate for President in 1968.  General James M. Gavin
Everyone Who Wants Peace in Vietnam Should Tell it to Hanoi.
National Strike for Peace October 15th
Stop the Escalation - Stop the War Now!
Broadway for Peace 1968
Debate on Vietnam, The
More of the Same Won't Do
O Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth to battle....
Statement Against War From Concerned Citizens of Japan, A. International Conflict Cannot be Resolved by Military Force.
For What?
Appeal to President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev, An
Let Us Act Together to Bring Peace to Vietnam
We are disturbed at reports of the further escalation of the United States military commitments in VietNam....
While There Is Still A Choice in Vietnam, Join These Voices of Sanity.
Open Statement to the Three Members of Parliament for the Camden Constituencies
Dad!  Where were you when the United States was killing the Vietnamese? "On April 15, 1967, your mother and you and I, along with thousands of other American families, met in New York and San Francisco to demand that the government stop the war in Vietnam
Please do not lose the MIRV race
Open Letter to President Johnson, An
